Vibration-free pump for long term live cell imaging under flow

No interference on your microscope focus


Keep it inside your microscope incubator chamber


Programmable pump opens a myriad of physiological flow possibilities

Perfusion pump for microscope

Do you need a vibration-free, compact pump for your long-term live cell imaging underflow? Our perfusion pump for microscopy was designed to provide long-term stability for live cell imaging, with no vibration.

If your microscope is surrounded by an incubator chamber, that’s not a problem. The perfusion pump for the microscope is incubator-friendly, withstanding elevated temperatures and humidity without problems.



The small working distance of objectives demands fine control of environmental perturbations, which can be complex with regular pumps with inherently pulsatile profiles. 


Our perfusion pump for the microscope ensures that you can have stable flow without any perturbation in image gathering due to the pump vibrations, providing you with high-quality data acquisition.




This microscope pump is self-contained; that is, it has everything that you will need to culture your cells dynamically: an integrated pump and a flow sensor combined in a way that substantially decreases the number of connectors and tubing! You need to connect it to a computer to control and collect data, and you are all set!

Applications and compatibility

The perfusion pump for the microscope is compatible with organ-on-chip applications, and it is not limited by your chip design or manufacturer.

Applications can include:






Other equipment

  • Microscope incubation chambers
  • Stage top incubators
  • CO2 incubators




The perfusion pump can be connected to any reservoir, from Eppendorfs to large bottles, in fully closed or open systems.


Perfusion pump technical specifications

The perfusion pump’s technical specifications are below. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at innovation[at]!

Pressure control

Pressure range-400 to 600 mbar
Pressure stability0.2 mbar
Air flow rate0.1 L/min at atmospheric pressure
Possibility to work with higher air flow rates by reducing the pressure range

Flow control

Microfluidic flow sensor Monitoring and feedback loop flow control available
Flow ratesFrom 0.1 µL/min to 5 mL/min


perfusion pump for incubator stand

What comes inside the box? 

When you order the perfusion pump for microscopy, you can expect to receive the motherboard with the desired number of units, the reservoirs, flow sensors, the software, and the cable to connect to the computer, as seen below (the laptop is only illustrative).


Customize your pack

Our instruments are compatible with standard commercialized chips from different brands.

Our instruments can be added to different setups depending on your specific needs. In this light, our microfluidic specialists will advise you on the best instruments and accessories depending on your needs and will accompany you during the system’s setup.

– Check our other instruments for various applications –

Can the perfusion pump for microscopy be placed inside the CO2 incubator?

Yes, the perfusion pump for microscope can also be used inside the CO2 incubator and on the bench without problems.

No, the perfusion pump for microscope is connected to a computer through a cable, which acts as a power supply.

Yes, the perfusion pump for microscopy requires a computer and software to work. Nonetheless, it does not require a compressed air source.

Funding and Support

The Tumor-LN-oC project helped develop this instrument. This project is funded by European Union’s H2020-NMBP-TR-IND-2020, grant agreement-no. 953234 (Tumor-LN-oC).

Tumor-LN-oC logo

Funded by the EU

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