Placenta model

Automated molecular transport experiments
Completely automated platform

Less manual work and longer experiments

Independent microenvironments

Adjust the requirements for each side of the membrane

Time-resolved results

Unravel the evolution of molecular transport

Placenta model: an introduction

The use of barrier models, such as a placenta model, blood-brain barrier in the brain or air-blood barrier in lung models, is gaining momentum. These models allow researchers to study molecular transport and, in some cases, replicate complex interactions at the interfaces of organs and visualise subtle queues that are easy to miss when studying whole organisms. 

But increased resolution usually also means increased complexity, and these systems can easily become difficult to reproduce anywhere else but at the lab where they were conceived. 


Reproducibility and robustness are crucial topics to consider when choosing a technology to perform experiments with, so our team developed a platform that encompasses and automates all necessary functionalities of a barrier model experiment, in this case, focusing on the molecular transport between mother and fetus in a placenta model.

Placenta model Setup

The placenta model has two sides: mother and fetus.

Each side is composed of:

  1.  a recirculation system to perfuse the cells continuously, with a fail-safe mechanism in case of clogging;
  2. a temperature controller to keep everything at 37ºC;
  3. O2 sensors to monitor the microenvironment;
  4. Sample collector for automated and time-resolved collection;
  5. It can plug in any cross-membrane chip connecting both sides;

The schematic below represents the mother side of the placenta model, and the working principle of the recirculation and collection. The fetus side is exactly the same, but parameters can be adjusted to better mimic the fetus development.

placenta model schematics

The control of the functionalities is centralised in a dedicated software.


Featured image: Mouse-Fetus and placenta, 2008. Wei Hsu, Shang-Yi Chiu, Lessons on Life from SENP2 Sedwick C PLoS Biology Vol. 6, No. 12, e312 doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0060312

Placenta model recirculation System

The technical specifications of the pump and valves of the recirculation system for the placenta model are:

Accuracy+/- 2.5 mbar
Flow rates0-5ml/min depending on flow sensors
Air consumptionfew ml/min
Response time140 ms
Settling time2750 ms
Overshoot0.12 mbar
Recirculation BridgeInternal volume: 4 ml/loop

Automated sampler



Number of samplesUp to 20 samples per side 
Volume of collection vial1,5 to 2 ml Eppendorfs

O2 sensors 

ComponentsTechnical specifications
Wetted MaterialPTFE

10x10x10 cm (control unit) 

3x1x1 cm (sensing unit)

Admissible Flow rates1-100 µL/min
Accessible Oxygen Levels0-20 %DO
Stability of the control+/- 0.5 %DO
Dynamic range of control0.5% DO / min
placenta model platform

Other applications

Our placenta model platform can be used as a barrier model to study molecular transport in other applications, such as:

a. Adapted from: Huh, D.; Matthews, B.D.; Mammoto, A.; Montoya-Zavala, M.; Hsin, H.Y.; Ingber, D.E. Reconstituting organ-level lung functions on a chip. Science 2010328, 1662–1668. 

b. Designed internally

How many chips can we run at the same time?

Currently, the platform can hold only one cross-membrane chip.

The platform was designed to host most types of the chip, commercial or home-made, with the right adapters. So the membrane tech specifications depend on your choice of material.

No, the placenta model platform was designed to be independent of the incubator.

No, the platform was designed to host most chips, whether commercial or home-made, with the right adapters.

No, we provide the fluidic circuit and automation to run a variety of barrier model experiments with this platform. However, the biological part is out of our scope. You will need to develop and culture your cells yourself and we can help you add your biological model to the platform.

Funding and Support

The LIFESAVER and Micro4Nano projects helped develop this instrument. These projects are funded by the European Union’s H2020-LC-GD-2020-3, grant agreement no. 101036702 (LIFESAVER) and H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020, grant agreement no. 101007804 (Micro4Nano).

Funded by the EU

Lifesaver logo baby in fetus vector

Marie Curie Doctoral Networks 2024 Microfluidics Innovation Center


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