Flow splitter for organ on chip

Get more from your current setup
Maximize your throughput

Branch up to 6 chips to a single pump

Compatible with many pump types

Pressure-driven flow controllers, syringe or peristaltic pumps

Reliable flow rates

Know the flow rate of each of your line splits

Flow splitting and organ on chip

Microfluidic cell culture

One of the largest limitations of instruments for organ-on-chip research at the moment is its inability to provide researchers with similar throughput when compared to conventional techniques, such as well plates. 

Increasing the numbers of chips running in parallel usually means buying more pumps and substantially increasing the complexity and footprint of the system.

Splitting the flow, although obvious as a solution, is not trivial. The varying resistances of each line, caused by biological debris, differing chip dimensions, or subtle size differences in tubing, result in different flow rates, rendering the experiment results not comparable.


Image Caption: B-cell follicle inside a mouse lymph node

lymph node model

We decided to tackle this problem. By evenly splitting the flow and constantly monitoring and controlling the flow rates, you can maximize the throughput of each of your pumps with peace of mind.

schematics flow splitter with pressure-driven flow control
schematics flow splitter with syringe pumps


  • Pressure-driven or syringe pumps
  • Flow splitter 
  • Reservoirs
  • Tubings and fittings
  • Microfluidic chip
  • User guide
  • Software

The flow splitter was designed to be effortlessly included in your current setup, if it works with pressure-driven or syringe pumps. You connect it to the outlet of your reservoir or syringe and its outlets to each of your chips. It’s controlled by a dedicated software, in which you can set the flow rates, monitor and control them throughout your experiment.

Reservoirs, tubing, and connectors are all commercially available, can be reused or disposable, and can be bought independently and sterile. The system was conceived to work with any type of chip, whether commercial or home-made.

schematics flow splitter with pressure-driven flow control and multiple channels
schematics flow splitter with syringe pumps and multiple channels

If you have complex organ-on-chip experiments, involving more than one channel per chip, the flow splitter keeps things simple. You just need to add one instrument per chip channel.

Parallelisation: Keeping it simple


It is also possible to recirculate media, if you connect the flow splitter to a peristaltic pump, as shown below.

schematics flow splitter with peristaltic pumps

With a peristaltic pump, the outlet of the chips needs to be collected to a reservoir in common and the reservoir should be connected back to the pump.


Some biological applications of our flow splitter include:


The flow splitter comes in the configuration of 1-to-6 channels. Each channel has an independent control. Each channel has the following specifications:


Technical specifications

Calibrated liquidsAqueous media
Flow rates0.1 µl/min to 5 mL/min
Wetted MaterialGlass
SterilizationNot autoclavable, sanitization protocol available
Temperature rangeRoom Temperature to 70 oC, incubator-friendly

Customize your pack

Our instruments are compatible with standard commercialized chips from different brands.

Our instruments can be added to different setups depending on your specific needs. In this light, our microfluidic specialists will advise you on the best instruments and accessories depending on your needs and will accompany you during the system’s setup.

– Check our other instruments for various applications –

Can I have different flow rates per line?

Not intentionally, the splitter was designed to evenly split the flow so each line has the same flow rate.

The flow splitter has the in-built capacity of adjusting flow deviations in case of small variations in each line due to the development of the biological model.

Yes, you only need one computer and software to run several flow splitters in parallel.

Yes, the flow splitter is incubator-friendly.

Funding and Support

The VOXWRITE project helped develop this instrument. The project has been funded by the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche, project number ANR-23-CE10-0018-02) and the SNF (Schweizerischer Nationalfonds) in the frame of the AAPG2023 PRCI.
ANR AAPG 2021 : le projet ScientIA (48 mois) coordonné par Floriana Gargiulo sélectionné par l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche dans le cadre de l'appel générique 2021 - GEMASS
Fonds national suisse (FNS)

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