Surface Plasmon Resonance

Microscope-friendly pump for more control
Pulsatile-free flow

Stable and steady flow profile

Vibration-free pump

Ideal for sensitive experiments near the microscope

Compact and Modular

Small footprint and several channels in parallel

Surface Plasmon Resonance

Surface plasmon resonance (SPF) is an optical technique for sensing alterations on a treated surface. The working principle of SPF consists in applying a light beam at an angle on a metallic surface and reading the difference between the expected refractive angle and the actual refractive angle, which characterises the surface plasmon resonance. The technique is highly sensitive, and can detect small changes on the surface, such as the binding of molecules.

surface plasmon resonance working principle

Credit: Joanka, Wikimedia Commons

To measure these changes, surface plasmon resonance experiments require the flow of liquid over the metallic surface, usually using syringe pumps. Syringe pumps are great to control low flow rates and they are straightforward to use. Nonetheless, their mechanical motions cause a pulsatile flow profile that can input noise into the sensitive readings of SPF. Moreover, this mechanical motion causes vibrations near the microscope, requiring a dampening system to avoid introducing more noise into the experiment. Also, syringe pumps are bulky, taking up a lot of space and their working volume is determined by the size of the syringe.


Our Perfusion pump was designed precisely to address these limitations. Compact and easy to assemble and use, it offers a stable and steady flow, at low flow rates, vibration-free. The working volumes can be easily adapted from 1,5 ml Eppendorfs to 100ml bottles.

Surface plasmon resonance-based cell sensing

SPR can be used for cell sensing. For example, it is possible to detect how cells attach, molecule-ligand studies, with either attached cells or in suspension. 


The surface plasmon resonance setup remains the same with the perfusion pump replacing the syringe pumps. Although the perfusion pump is pressure-based, requiring a flow sensor to control low flow rates, the flow sensor and reservoirs are integrated, making it easier to use.

surface plasmon resonance schematic

Annika Koponen, Erja Kerkelä, Tatu Rojalin, Elisa Lázaro-Ibáñez, Teemu Suutari, Heikki O. Saari, Pia Siljander, Marjo Yliperttula, Saara Laitinen, Tapani Viitala, Label-free characterization and real-time monitoring of cell uptake of extracellular vesicles, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Volume 168, 2020, 112510, ISSN 0956-5663,

Perfusion pump technical specifications

The perfusion pump’s technical specifications are below. 

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at innovation[at]!

Pressure control

Pressure range

-400 to 600 mbar

Pressure stability

0.2 mbar

Air flow rate

0.1 L/min at atmospheric pressure

Possibility to work with higher air flow rates by reducing the pressure range

Flow control

Microfluidic flow sensor 

Monitoring and feedback loop flow control available

Flow rates

From 0.1 µL/min to 5 mL/min


Compatibility and Applications

Some biological applications of our Perfusion pump for microscopy also include:

  • Biomolecular Interaction Analysis
  • Drug Discovery and Development
  • Biosensor Diagnostic Development
  • Cell attachment studies
  • And many more!
Which microscope slides can be used in Surface Plasmon Resonance?

Our system is designed to adapt to any chips or chambers, depending only on having the correct adapters.

No, the perfusion pump for microscope needs to be connected to a power source.

No, the pump is autonomous.

Funding and Support

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon research and innovation program under HORIZON-HLTH-2024-TOOL-05-two-stage, Grant agreement number 101155875 (NAP4DIVE).

Funded by the EU

Marie Curie Doctoral Networks 2024 Microfluidics Innovation Center

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