Completed- Magnetic membranes for mechanical stimulation of cells: MaMi

The MaMi project combines expertise in the field of magnetism with knowledge of bioinspired local flow control to create novel concepts and technological solutions that could revolutionize the field of microfluidics

This project is completed now. If interested, feel free to contact us.

Microfluidics and magnetism in biomimetic locally-driven flows: introduction

Ferrofluid Magnet under glass MAGNETICS MICROHYDRODYNAMICS

The MaMi project bridges microfluidics and magnetism research by taking advantage of magnetic forces inspired by biomimetic systems to control local flows and cargo transport.

The critical research question guiding the project is “How can magnetism and biomimetic locally-driven flows overcome the current limitations of microfluidics?”

The 9 MaMi partners will take different approaches to address this question.

Magnetic membranes for remote mechanical stimulation of cells in microfluidic devices: project description

In this consortium, we developed microfluidic devices with an industry potential for organ-on-a-chip applications.

The ultimate goal will be to address the hurdles that need to be overcome to transition microfluidic techniques from prototype-state organ-on-a-chip into marketable devices.

PDMS is the gold standard fabrication material within the engineering research community. We will explore fast-fabrication thermopolymer materials (PMMA, PC, PS, COC) that are better suited for biological applications and commercially relevant with scale-up potential to design this new generation of organ-on-a-chip.

However, as thermopolymers are non-stretchable, the current methods of recreating desirable mechanical stimulation to produce more bio-relevant cellular phenotypes will not be possible.


We will, therefore, exploit magnetic forces to achieve remote mechanical stimulation within the thermopolymer organ-on-a-chip.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 MSCA-IF under grant agreement No 766007 (MAMI).

MAMI logo

Funded by the EU


Emma Thomee researcher

Emma Thomée

Research Associate

  • PhD candidate at Elvesys/Strasbourg University in the frame of MSCA-ITN
  • Analytical chemist (QPharma AB, Sweden)
  • Master of Science in Biomedical engineering (Lund University, Sweden)

Areas of expertise: 

Biomedical engineering, Microfluidics, Organ-on-chip, Magnetism.

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