Automatically collect samples in a defined period
Precisely collect multiple data points during dynamic cell culture
Collect samples down to 150 microliters
Precision sampling pack
Automated precision sampling for improved results
Manual sampling is time-consuming and prone to heterogeneity due to inherent human variability during the sampling process. This heterogeneity can negatively affect the reproducibility of the results, jeopardizing the research’s perceived value [1].
Also, human interaction during sampling usually requires the experiment to be halted and can inadvertently introduce contamination [2].

A precision sampler designed for cell perfusion
The advantages of dynamic cell culture regarding improved physiological relevance are becoming ever more established [3].
To profit from the advantages of dynamic cell culture, precision sampling must be adapted to the continuous media flow without disrupting cell culture. The precision sampling Pack was designed to precisely do that.

Collect samples adapted to your application
Precision sampling must match the analysis to be performed afterward. Some assays, such as Elisa and mass spectroscopy, require minute volumes as low as 100 µl.
A precision sampling system must enable sample volumes that align with these requirements.
The precision sampling Pack allows the collection of volumes down to 100 µl and at defined periods with an easy and user-friendly automation setup.

1. Csete, Marie. “Q&A: What can microfluidics do for stem-cell research?.” Journal of Biology 9.1 (2010): 1.
2. Daniszewski, Maciej, et al. “Automated cell culture systems and their applications to human pluripotent stem cell studies.” SLAS TECHNOLOGY: Translating Life Sciences Innovation 23.4 (2018): 315-325.
3. Mehling, Matthias, and Savaş Tay. “Microfluidic cell culture.” Current opinion in Biotechnology 25 (2014): 95-102.
Precision sampling setup
The precision sampling pack comprises state-of-the-art instruments for precise fluid control and sample collection automation. The pack can be used with the chip design of your preference.

The precision sampling pack typically contains:
- Flow controller
- Microfluidic flow sensor (eg. Galileo)
- Automated sampler
- Microfluidic chip
- Falcon reservoirs, connectors, tubing, filters,…
- Software (Galileo user interface)
Precision sampling principle
Several applications can benefit from automated precision sampling. Here, the synergistic effect of two drugs is explored as an example. A µ-Slide III 3D Perfusion from ibidi is used to culture cells.
Channel A is a negative control in which only the medium is perfused.
Channel B explores the synergistic effect of Drug 1 and Drug 2, with an initial exposure to Drug 1 followed by the concurrent perfusion of Drugs 1 and 2.
Channel C is a positive control, with the perfusion of only Drug 2. Each channel is connected to a rotary valve programmed to collect samples of 150 µl every two hours automatically. The samples are then analyzed for the temporal secretion of specific molecules linked to the action of the drugs on the cells.

Automated precision sampling applications
- Temporal release of cytokines by brain cells.
- Release of extracellular vesicles.
- Molecular released during inflammatory responses.
- Uptake and metabolism of substances of interest.
Customize your pack
Our instruments and packs are fully customizable to fit your needs perfectly. Our specialists and researchers will help you choose the best instruments and accessories and accompany you during the setup of the microfluidic platform until you can obtain your first experimental results.
We can provide reservoirs, flow sensors, bubble detectors, traps, or any relevant microfluidic instruments.
– Check our other Packs for various applications –
Is the setup sterilizable?
Yes, we have developed a simple protocol for sterilization and cleaning that is provided along with the user guide.
Can the instrument be customized based on my specific application?
Yes! Our experts will establish which instruments are best suited for your application, such as the type of flow sensor or the number of flow controller channels you need to perform your experiment. Contact us using the “talk to our experts” green button above.
Can I buy individual instruments?
You can order our instruments on the product section of our website.
Funding and Support
The LOCAi, NeuroTrans, and Enhpathy project results helped develop this instrument pack.
The LOCAi project has received funding from the French National Research Agency (ANR) and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the frame of the 1st German-French Joint Call for Proposals on Artificial Intelligence.
The European Union’s Horizon 2020 MSCA-ITN has funded the Enhpathy and NeuroTrans projects under grant agreements No. 860002 (ENHPATHY project) and 860954 (NeuroTrans project).