Culture up to 6 chips inside the incubator with the flow profile that you need

Keep everything neatly inside the incubator


Gentle pressure-driven flow not to squish your cells


Programmable pump opens a myriad of physiological flow possibilities

Perfusion pump

pump placed in the incubator

Incubator-friendly pump 

Our perfusion pump was designed to keep the same conditions for your entire system and experiment by putting everything inside the incubator. It can withstand the humidity and temperature of the COincubator for prolonged periods while providing precise flow control over your cells.


This perfusion pump is self-contained. 

It has everything you will need to culture your cells dynamically: an integrated pump and a flow sensor to substantially decrease the number of connectors and tubing!

perfusion pump for incubator stand
placed inside the incubator


We kept the footprint of the perfusion pump to the smallest possible amount because we know that incubator space is limited and often shared. Thus, we want to allow you to perform several experiments simultaneously without taking up the entire incubator.

High throughput and modular 

Concentrations 1, 2, and 3 in triplicates plus the controls, the number of simultaneous experiments escalates quickly. This high throughput perfusion pump can be stacked up to 6 units. Its modularity ensures the flexibility you need while maintaining robust and reliable results.

pump for incubator
pump for incubator

Easy to use

Based on users’ feedback, we substantially decreased the tubing you need to use in your experiments. New plug-and-play connections make assembling, disassembling, and cleaning much more accessible, so you don’t need to worry! Less variability in the assembly also favors better reproducibility.

Applications and compatibility

The perfusion pump is compatible with organ-on-a-chip applications, and it is not limited by your chip design or manufacturer.


Applications can include:

Organ-on-a-chip microfluidics bio-force
Figure 1: Microfluidic minimalist organ-in-a-chip,





  • TEER
  • Immunostaining of endothelial cell markers
  • Albumin reabsorption
  • 3D reconstructions
  • Perfusion assay, using fluorescent dyes
  • Pharmacokinetics assays
  • Immunohistochemical and histopathological characterization
  • Toxicity assays
  • and many more!

Perfusion pump technical specifications

The technical specifications of the perfusion pump can be found below. 

Pressure control

Pressure range-400 to 600 mbar
Pressure stability0.2 mbar
Air flow rate0.1L/min at atmospheric pressure
Possibility to work with higher air flow rates by reducing the pressure range

Flow control 

Microfluidic flow sensorMonitoring and feedback loop flow control available
Flow ratesFrom 0.1 µL/min to 5 mL/min

What comes inside the box?

When you order the perfusion pump, you can expect to receive the motherboard with the desired number of units, the reservoirs, flow sensors, the software, and the cable to connect to the computer, as seen below (the laptop is only illustrative).

perfusion pump_microfluidics innovation center_what comes in the box

Customize your pack

We offer compatible instruments for standard commercialized chips from various brands. 

You can customize your pack to suit your specific needs with guidance from our specialists, who will suggest the best instruments and accessories. We’ll also help you set up the perfusion platform.

– Check our other Packs for various applications –

Is the perfusion pump powered by battery?

No, the perfusion pump is connected to a computer through a cable, which acts as a power supply.

Yes, it requires a computer and software to work. Nonetheless, it does not require a compressed air source.

The pump can be connected to any microfluidic chip, employing the right connectors.

Funding and Support

The Tumor-LN-oC project helped develop this beta instrument. This project is funded by European Union’s H2020-NMBP-TR-IND-2020, grant agreements. No. 953234 (Tumor-LN-oC).

Tumor-LN-oC logo

Funded by the EU

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