Take advantage of unidirectional cellular perfusion without mechanical damage

Perfuse cells unidirectionally without compressing the tubes


Decide how much shear stress to apply by tightly controlling the flow


No risk of contamination

Unidirectional cellular perfusion principle

We have developed a small system of valves that allow cellular perfusion in a unidirectional manner without the tubing compression generally employed in standard systems, such as peristaltic pumps. Also, the pressure-driven flow controller ensures a pulse-free, high-controllable perfusion, ideal for shear stress assays.


The principle behind it is simple. Passive valves are arranged so that media will always pass over the cells starting from the same side of the chip, regardless of which media reservoir is being pressurized, as shown below.

cellular perfusion schematics
cellular perfusion schematics 2

The valves are disposable, and the body that holds the media path is autoclavable, ensuring a contamination-free experiment. Designed for improved usability, mini-luer connectors easily plug into the media path.

Compatibility and applications

The Unidirectional cellular perfusion system is compatible with the COincubator and with mini-luers that connect to 1/32″ (outer diameter) tubing, but it can be adapted to different tubings and connectors upon request.

Live MCF7 cells staining
Live cell staining of MCF7 cells grown under unidirectional perfusion.

Customize your pack

Our instruments are compatible with standard commercialized chips from different brands.

Our instruments can be added to different setups depending on your specific needs. In this light, our microfluidic specialists will advise you on the best tools and accessories depending on your needs and will accompany you during the system’s setup.

– Check our other Packs for various applications –

Can the cellular perfusion system be placed inside the CO2 incubator?

Yes, the unidirectional cellular perfusion system was designed to be compatible with the CO2 incubator.

The system works well with the range of MFS flow sensors (Elveflow, 0-5ml/min).

Yes! Our team can help you design the setup that makes more sense for your application. Contact us using the “talk to our experts” green button above.

Funding and Support

The ALTERNATIVE project helped develop this instrument. This project is funded by European Union’s H2020-LC-GD-2020-3, grant agreement No. 101037090.

Funded by the EUAlternative_Logo_microfluidic_in-vitro-system-biomedical-research-Microfluidics-Innovation-Center_Mission Cancer


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