Research and Innovation Actions under Horizon Europe
Horizon Europe in brief

- The EU’s key funding program until 2027
- Supports Research and Innovation with a budget of €95.5 billion
- Implementation:
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions and research infrastructures under pillar 1
- All clusters under pillar 2
- European innovation ecosystems under pillar 3
Pillar 2: Health, Environment, Energy and Food
The Horizon Europe Work program is divided into 3 main pillars, where pillar 2 focuses on Research and Innovation actions similar to the RIA and IA actions known under H2020. Pillar 2 is divided into 6 clusters:
- Health
- Culture, creativity, and inclusive society
- Civil Security for society
- Digital, industry, and space
- Climate, Energy, and mobility
- Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture, and environment
Each cluster focuses on a specific global challenge and offers several calls to which researchers can submit project proposals for funding. The general submission rules are similar to the Horizon 2020 program.

Focus on Health and Sustainability
As mentioned above, pillar 2 will be implemented through several clusters that tackle global challenges identified by the European Union and intends to strenghten the European Industrial Competitiveness. We identified 2 clusters as specifically interesting for researchers working in biomedecine, biotechnology, innovation and green chemistry: Cluster 1 focused on Health and Cluster 6, focused on Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Ressources, Agriculture and Environment.
The main deadlines to keep in mind are: Cluster 1 – September 21 and Cluster 6 – October 6.
Why the MIC is the ideal partner for your Research and Innovation project under Horizon Europe
The Microfluidics Innovation Center participates in collaborative research projects by offering expertise in microfluidics – an innovative technology that is currently more and more in demand since it facilitates and accelerates experiments that require precise flow control.
Classical experiments can be scaled up, and novel concepts and models can be developed, including organ-on-chip assays, nanoparticle fabrication and application, high-speed drug testing, automated cell culture, and many more. You can have a look at our different project collaborations if you want to learn more about our activity.
In addition, having extensive experience with submitting research proposals, we are prepared for all administrative steps and procedures.
Specific objectives
- Knowledge transfer and innovation
- Support research to produce European innovations
- Disease prevention
- Viable food production
- Sustainable management of natural ressources and climate action
Where the MIC can help
- Novel in-vitro models based on cell culture
- Vaccines and diagnostics for animal disease
- Identification of biomarkers
- Modeling host-pathogen interactions
- Personalized medicine
- Next-generation advanced therapies
- Green pharmaceuticals
- Environmental sampling and analyses
Want more? Visit our page summarizing the novelties in Horizon Europe implementation (grant management, proposal writing and evaluation, dissemination strategy…).
Interested in MSCA (ITN, IF, RISE…)? Check out the differences between H2020 and Horizon Europe!