How to write a successful H2020 MSCA-IF proposal?

This content is out of date. H2020 MSCA-IF became Horizon Europe MSCA postdoctoral fellowship in 2021. Check out our updated page: How to write a successful HE MSCA postdoctoral fellowship proposal?

Your Horizon Europe MSCA-IF network proposal – Our tips and tricks in a glance

Calendar 2021 calls
  • Reviewers have no time: Be straightforward and stick to the template.
  • Prove you are going to change the world! Transform your idea into a societal need.
  • 1+1>2: Demonstrate the synergy between you and your host institution.

How to convince reviewers to fund your MSCA-IF proposal?

MSCA-IF proposals are reviewed by industrials and researchers who have limited time. To get your grant, be precise and concise.

→ Tip #1 – Pitch your MSCA-IF project in a one-page format


Your first page should answer the following questions:

  • What societal challenge is your project addressing?
  • What are the current limitations? 
  • What is the novelty of your project? 
  • What are the significant steps to be followed to achieve the project goal? 


→ Tip #2 – Summarize your ideas at the beginning of each paragraph, give short and sharp conclusions at the end of each section

Stay structured and focused.


→ Tip #3 – Stick to the MSCA-IF proposal template

Respect the guidelines stated in the MSCA-IF template and answer all the questions.

How to shape a game changing MSCA-IF project?

What makes a compelling MSCA-IF project? You should address these essential points:

→ Tip #4 – Solve a significant problem (technical, societal, …) with a practically implementable solution

Explain how your project will solve a challenge raised by Horizon 2020 and how your solution will be practically implemented.


→ Tip #5 – Go beyond the state-of-the-art

Highlight the novelty of your project compared to the current situation.


→ Tip #6 – Be CREDIBLE

You must reassure the reviewers and show them precisely what you will do and how.


→ Tip #7 – Make huge IMPACT 

Impact on the EU, impact on the society, and impact on your career!

How to choose the right host institution for your individual fellowship?

→ Tip #8 – 1+1>2: synergy between you and the host institution

You need to bring something to your host institution, and it also needs to bring you something!


→ Tip #9 – Think about your career objectives!

Explain how this MSCA-IF will benefit your career as a researcher.

Feeling lost? Check out our page, What are MSCA-IF!

Our microfluidic expertise and MSCA-IF projects

We will be glad to participate in your project. Visit our dedicated webpage to learn more about our expertise as H2020 and Horizon Europe partner!

Curious about the calls currently open?

We are particularly interested in the following calls but remain open to any collaboration!

  • EIC WORK PROGRAMME that supports all stages from R&D to industry for game-changing innovations
  • HORIZON EUROPE RIA CALLS, specifically focusing on health and food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture, and environment

Have a look at our funded MSCA-ITN proposals:



Microfluidic lab-on-chip for high-throughput fungicide screening  

AutoDropProd microfluidic monodisperse emulsion
AutoDropProd Automated high-throughput production of monodisperse emulsions with microfluidics
Breast cancer research-tumor on chip-microfluidics-elveflow-startup-innovation
MTOAC Tumor-on-a-chip device to mimic tumor microenvironment for breast cancer

Check the Horizon Europe tips and tricks