Completed- Ocular diseases diagnostics through the detection of key biomarkers: Biocudet

The Biocudet system will offer a simultaneous diagnosis of main ocular diseases in a single test during the visit to the doctor’s office.

This project is completed now. If interested, feel free to contact us.

Key ocular biomarkers towards personal medicine: introduction

girl left eye ocular diseases diagnostics

In the EU, the costs of ocular diseases amount to 70% of the costs induced by cancer. This will increase as our population ages, mainly as most costs result from late or wrong diagnosis. 

The current ocular disease diagnostic devices are far from delivering the expected performance. The simultaneous discovery of biomarker candidates for several significant eye diseases and the development of fast multiplex quantitative PCR (qPCR) technology offers the unique opportunity to propose a Point of Care Test (PoCT) to fulfill modern ocular disease diagnostics needs.

We want to develop the first fast and affordable biomarker-based PoCT device for the ocular diseases diagnostics market. This system will enable any practitioner to propose a diagnosis based on the simultaneous measurement of ocular disease biomarkers in less than 10 minutes. 

This system will offer the capacity to diagnose central ocular diseases simultaneously in a single test at the time of a visit to the doctor’s office.

We rely on our expertise in fast multiplex qPCR systems and OPIA of conjunctiva sampling to develop this prototype.

The BIOCUDET project is today the most relevant in the world to bring a PoCT system to the market within the next couple of years to address this significant social and economic concern.

Ocular diseases diagnostic tool: reach the market

This system will give us the highest competitive advantage on a global total admissible market of €3.5 billion per year by 2025. This PoCT is today the critical solution to alleviating the medical and social issues of ocular diseases that weight more than €86 billion annually on the EU healthcare systems. 
This project will also allow the researcher to get trained in entrepreneurship to become part of the team or start his own spin-off company to commercialize the PoCT system.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No  739687 (BIOCUDET).

Marie Curie Doctoral Networks 2024 Microfluidics Innovation Center

Funded by the EU

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