Completed- Automatic generation of well-defined microdroplets: AutoMonoDroplet

Emulsions of microdroplets are used in a wide range of applications, especially in pharmaceutical and biosciences, beauty, and food industries.

This project is completed now. If interested, feel free to contact us. 

Automatic generation of well-defined microdroplets: introduction

droplet generation microdroplets

Using conventional techniques, it is difficult to control the size distribution of the resulting droplets, which may affect the rate of the droplet degradation, the kinetics of encapsulant release, and decrease the stability of the emulsion (suspensions of micrometer-sized droplets in an immiscible medium).

This is particularly problematic in the pharmaceutical industry, where irregular drug quantities encapsulated in polydisperse drug-loaded droplets and particles can cause an initial burst of drug release in vivo, eventually leading to undesirable cytotoxic effects.

AutoMonoDroplet principle microdroplets

Automatic generation of high-throughput microdroplets: our solution

In this project, we are developing a fully automated droplet production system, which can monitor droplet size, adjust flow rates and pressures of the liquids to compensate for any changes in the droplet production system and to maintain a very high droplet production uniformity (C.V. < 0.2%) for long periods at the same time producing high amounts of monodisperse emulsions.


This system will give ELVESYS the highest competitive advantage in the market. This high-throughput automated droplet generator is today the critical solution to simplify emulsion generation with microfluidics and makes it more appealing for industries like food or pharmaceutics.


If you want to learn more about droplet detection in microfluidic channels, have a look at the literature review written by Dr. Remigijus Vasiliauskas.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 739706 (AutoMonoDroplet project).



Dr. Remigijus Vasiliauskas

Research Associate

  • R&D Engineer in Digital Microfluidics
  • Post-Doc in Digital Microfluidics and Drug Delivery (Vilnius University, Lithuania)
  • PhD in Physics (Linkoping University, Sweden)
  • Master of Science in Material Sciences (Vilnius University, Lithuania)
  • 27 publications, 320 citations, h-index 12


Areas of expertise:

Digital Microfluidics, Microtechnology, Soft Lithography, Semiconductor Technology and Sensors

Marie Curie Doctoral Networks 2024 Microfluidics Innovation CenterFunded by the EU

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