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4th ERA PerMed JTC about Personalized Medicine

Why use microfluidics for the 4th ERA PerMed JTC?

  1. Organ-on-chip for personalized drug testing
  2. Lab-on-chip for fast and parallel analysis of proteins, metabolites, nucleic acids…
  3. Microfluidics for machine learning

4th Joint Transnational Call: Collaborative innovative research in personalized medicine

What can microfluidics do for the 4th ERA PerMed JTC?

The 4th ERA PerMed JTC about personalized medicine is divided into 3 research areas. 

Microfluidics is highly relevant for the 2 first areas:

Research area 1: “Translating basic to clinical research and beyond”

With organ-on-chip technology, growing patient cells on a microfluidic chip is possible. The advantages of microfluidics are:

  • The very precise control of the cell microenvironment, allowing more physiologically relevant experiments than with traditional cell culture
  • The possibility to stick as closely as possible to the patient’s physiology
  • The possibility to parallelize and automate the experiments

The main application of organ-on-chip technology in personalized medicine is drug screening, which identifies the most relevant drug for a specific patient. However, it can also be applied to biomaterial testing before implantation in the patient (as developed in the PANBioRA project) or to reproduce a pathology on a chip in a personalized manner.

Microfluidic lab-on-chips are also very interesting for the development of personalized treatments for patients, in particular for the analysis of samples from patients (blood, urine, saliva…, etc.) and the detection of various metabolites. They allow the automated and short-time parallelized analysis of various samples with very low volumes of samples. The same technology can be used for the personalized synthesis of treatments, like in the ElectroMed project.

Research area 2: Data, information and communication technology

Microfluidics is a choice ally for developing machine learning and systems controlled by artificial intelligence: the possibility of creating a highly reproducible environment makes this technology ideal for training an algorithm.

How can the MIC help you develop your ERA PerMed project?

The MIC can bring its expertise in microfluidic instrumentation and flow control to help you develop your research project’s microfluidic innovation! We have already participated in more than 30 European projects to help our partners develop systems suited to their projects.

More specifically, we can:

  • Develop user-friendly platforms for the perfusion of your tissue model
  • Build innovative instruments for sample injection
  • Design the flow control solution suited for your project
  • Automate your system to allow high-throughput experiments and good reproducibility

The MIC already brought its microfluidics expertise into many research projects:


Mission Cancer, Tumor-LN-oC_Tumor-on-chip_Microfluidics Innovation Center_MIC


Microfluidic platform to study the interaction of cancer cells with lymphatic tissue


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Toxicology assessment of pharmaceutical products on a placenta-on-chip model


Alternative_Logo_microfluidic_in-vitro-system-biomedical-research-Microfluidics-Innovation-Center_Mission Cancer


Environmenal analysis using a heart-on-chip tissue model

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