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Cheap as chips soft lithography stations: BlackHole Lab

The BlackHole Lab research project has been created to provide turnkey soft lithography stations, giving every research laboratory, even the small ones, the opportunity to realize their microfluidic chips.

This project is completed now. If interested, feel free to contact us.

Soft lithography station cheap chips

black hole lab soft lithography station

Microfluidic chips are usually fabricated in a clean room, but purchasing and maintaining one is so expensive that many research laboratories cannot afford the bill.


In 2008, during their PhD in microfluidics, BlackHole Lab founders saw the need for several laboratories to have their microfabrication facilities to make their own chips quickly and easily.

In 2009, they developed their first generation of soft lithography stations for research institutes in Paris and Philadelphia.

After several years of improvement, BlackHole Lab now provides a full range of turnkey soft lithography stations worldwide through the Softlithobox brand.

The tricky idea was to adapt and propose a set of equipment usable in a clean room, providing the same efficiency.

After several years of research and tests, we found a well-thinking set working together to give the best answer for microfluidic fabrication. But we are not stopping here; we continuously improve and adapt our offer to stay at the cutting edge of technology.

An innovative spin-off company have been created from this project for the commercialization of our soft lithography stations.

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